Monday, 9 January 2012

The curative powers of kittens (and other things…)

This weekend I visited a friend of mine who I haven’t seen in an age and it was awesome. I mean, it was awesome on various levels – first and foremost because I got to see her which – duh – is always exciting, but there was also the awesome involved in seeing some of her new life since she got married in the summer. There’s the place – from city centre to her house and garden – getting a feel for where “home” is for her now. Then there’s getting to know her husband a bit better, as you’re bound to when you stay in someone’s house for a weekend. Then there’s seeing some of her work – she’s in publishing and I got to see some of the books she’d worked on. All of these things had their different nuances of awesome.
Then there were the kittens.
Since she’s now all married and settled down and no longer of the transient-student lifestyle, she’s gone and got two of the cutest and most eternally ridiculous bengal kittens in the world. They’re so curious about everything, so obviously as a new addition to the house, I was welcomed in with some intensive sniffing.
Now I don’t really need to state the fact that there was plenty of very blatant awesome floating around this weekend, but there was also some slightly more subtle awesome in the air. First of all, it was encouraging for me to see one of my uni friends who had graduated only a year before me working in the area of industry that she actually wants to. From my perspective as a person still flailing around in the dark seas of unemployment, this is a wondrous, miraculous thing. It gives me hope and a vast increase of any sense of positivity (i.e.YAY!).
There was also some relatively subtle awesome in that my rather prolonged absence from the world of blogging was at least largely due to the oppressive feeling of unemployment-is-depressing-so-I-have-nothing-fun-to-write-about, which is frankly ridiculous because the likelihood that I’d be writing about my job is relatively low anyway. (apologies for my lameness – there was warning in the blog title, but I know it’s not really an excuse) Anywho, the hidden awesome lies in the fact that my increased positivity appears to have spurred me on to start writing again (even here: on my notepad, on the train – yay notepads!) There was also the part where my friend has an entirely awesome blog documenting the insanity of her kittens which a) is entirely worth checking out ( and b) reminded me of how much fun writing about silliness is!
So basically this weekend has been brimming with all kinds of awesome. It’s unstopped the depresso-cork from my writing (hopefully with lasting effect) and has made me all squeaky and happy again, albeit a little sad to be on the train home.
Anywho, if you’ve been feeling your gloomy equivalent of depressy unemployment, then here’s a video which will surely, surely brighten your day. If not, there’s something wrong with you. (Sorry!)

p.s. there is also some odd awesome in that for about a month I’ve been annoying myself by vastly overusing the word ‘glorious’ – I know not why – but the first positive adjective to come to my mind while writing this was not ‘glorious’, but ‘awesome’, hence I have clung to it with such determination…..maybe I should find a thesaurus….